Dear clients, we value your trust in our company and in our services and we are proud of our distinguished relationship with you, and reassure our commitment to work on your satisfaction. In order to achieve that, we receive your complaints and listen to your suggestions.
If for any reason you wish to file a complaint with us, please fill the complaint form designed for this purpose and submit it through one of the following means:
  • By visiting our Clients Complaints Unit at , Global Building - Al Sharef Abdelhameed Sharaf St. next to Haya Cultural Center, , Shmeisani, Amman City, during our working hours from 8:00 am till 2:30 pm. 
  • By mailing the form to our P.O.Box 3268 Amman, 11181 Jordan.
  • Or by emailing it to

Customer Services

Customer Services Department

Global Jordan.
Global Building, Shmeisani - Al Sharef Abdelhameed Sharaf St.
P.O. Box 3268, Amman 11181, Jordan.